Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dennis and I went to the live stage production of the Lord of the Rings in Toronto on Saturday night. We had a great time and were fascinated with the program. Pretty incredible the things they can do with that stage! I felt like we went from the Shire to Mordor and back again! ;)


Kate said...

LOTR Theatre! AWESOME! And that is a VERY cool sink - Eric would be so interested! :)

Anonymous said...

Man, I would love to go to the Shire, to Mordor, and back again! Was the actor for Frodo good? Dave said that Dennis does "gooood" when it comes to special dates. And you look so great, by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jerry said...

Noah and I saw the show when we were in TO at the end of August, and also enjoyed it immensely.