Tuesday, June 26, 2007


This was our van on Saturday evening at 4:50pm. I ran a stop sign and ran into a little car with four little elderly nuns packed in it. Everybody was fine, including the friend I had just picked up. I'm so thankful our girls weren't in the van.

This is a picture of the nun's bumper lying on the sidewalk. I didn't get any more pictures because about that time the police officer came up and said, "Well! Everybody's got a camera these days!!!" So I quickly put it away so as to not irritate him. Turns out that he was actually a really nice guy and made me cry because he was so kind.

So, we are van shopping again.


Anonymous said...

Dennis will like this one. Val, take back your maiden name and then you'll have a van. :) Love, Mom

mearybeary said...

glad to hear that everyone was ok and no one was really hurt. All the best in finding a new van ;0)

Kate said...

I had a near miss recently and was so shook up I cried all the way home! I'm glad you're all safe! I'll pray you find a wonderful new van! The Barney-Mobile is no more! :(

The Bradley's said...

Wow! Glad to hear you're alright Val!