Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Things I like about the Philippines, #5

Back in Canada I made all my girls birthday cakes.  It was fun and even though it sometimes was a little difficult for non-creative me, I usually managed to put together something presentable.

I've tried to remain creative here too... but the humidity and heat has gotten the better of me a few times and although I've had a few successes, the failures have been epic. For my sister-in-law's birthday I decided to just stick with a basic cake without any fancy shape cutting or tower building.

Yes, that is supposed to say 'Happy Birthday'.  Fail.

Anyway, I am happy to tell you about my discovery that for between $5-10 dollars I can purchase a beautifully personalized non-melted cake, and I don't even have to plan ahead.  I just pop into the local bakery and they hand over the personalized cake right on the spot.  Goodbye, cake anxiety!

This is perfect for the times when I don't have the time or energy to wrestle the tropical heat.  Yay!

P.S.  I did do a castle cake and a snowman cake for two birthdays this past April.  They turned out ok, but there was some stress and melting involved... and nothing looks nearly as nice as the cakes I used to do in cooler climates.  :(


Java with the Johnsons said...

loving this series you are doing... i think it's a good idea for me to steal. :)

Sally said...

There's nothing wrong in having a little bit of help from somebody. I'm sure your cakes tasted brilliant!

Dennis and Valerie said...

Go for it, Brooke! :)

@Sally- yes, we've still managed to enjoy eating some ugly cakes. :) haha!

Jean said...

So how does the bakery make the frosting so it doesn't melt? Or do you just have to keep it in the freezer until time to serve?

Anonymous said...

So... which one of your daughters did you rename Jenna? - Mary E.

Dennis and Valerie said...

@ A. Jean- somehow this frosting doesn't melt too much! Not sure what they make it out of but it holds its shape.

@Mary- :) I wondered who would notice that...

MynameisEarl said...

Let me guess, you bought it at your local "Goldilocks"? They got mighty fine confections right there.

Dennis and Valerie said...

@ MynameisEarl: Yep, Goldilocks, or Red Ribbon! Woo hoo!