Sunday, December 04, 2005

Something worse

I can't believe I'm blogging this... good thing my daughter is too young to sue me. And I thought the toilet incident was bad. The other morning I went in to get my little girl up for the day. She was doing the usual- standing in the corner of her crib and talking. Usually she greets me with a word, duck, dog, quack, cow... She gets the idea for her word from her Noah's Ark blanket that hangs over the window.

On this particular morning however, she greeted me with the word cheese. A bit perplexed, I took her out of the crib and laid her down on the change table. Then I noticed it. Her snaps all along the bottom of her sleeper were open. She had been experimenting with the snaps for the better part of a week, and I could see that she finally had mastered the art of unsnapping. She apparently mastered the art of something else too. A smell assaulted my nose. Almost at the same time, she uttered a scary word that no mother wants to hear in this context, "Poo-poo."


You know deep in your heart what I mean.

And there is was... in the crib... But why the word cheese? Ugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that no one commented. I don't believe that I don't remember it happening. It probably happens to the best of mothers, so you are deserving. This note is posted 1-28-07 I just stepped back in time. Love you, Mom